A Message from Board President, Pastor Tim Johnson
- August 23, 2016
- Posted by: Greene Alice
- Categories: He Got Up, Latest News

We all feel the tension that is on the rise in our communities and in our nation, as a result of shootings, protests and questionable justice toward minorities. Most Americans feel either helpless to change the current climate of division or are unconcerned because there has been no effect upon them personally. The reality is that we all are affected as human beings, as the value of life and justice becomes more uncertain as we look into our future. I believe that if we don’t come together, we will continue to come apart, because unity, healing and restoration in our communities and nation will become harder to attain than they are now. If we come together from all walks of life, ethnicities and backgrounds, we will become powerful and instrumental in seeing change in Central Florida and eventually the nation, by the grace of God. I refuse to surrender to the idea that the way things are, is the way things should be. Rather I am 100% committed to not sit back and let things be as they are. I am in pursuit of working with those who are willing to see our community become what it ought to be: the City Beautiful, based not on our buildings but on those who call Central Florida home.
Will you join me by offering your gifts, talents and time to see He Got Up 2017 on Palm Sunday (April 9th) become a beautiful display of a community committed to working together to serve those in need on a large scale? Challenging times require courageous people stepping outside of their comfort zone to make a difference. Let’s be the kind of people who can not only be a part of the transformation in Central Florida but a witness and a light that can bring change to our nation.