2024 He Got Up Event Dates

He Got Up!

Connecting communities and resources to provide systems of care to individuals and families in need in Greater Central Florida.
Tim Johnson, Senior Pastor for Orlando World Outreach Center, Founder and President of the Orlando Serve Foundation and the driving force behind the organization and it’s Programs. Concerned with the growing number of crises and division in communities across the United States, Johnson felt called to create an organization that would unite individuals in the Greater Central Florida Area by bridging the divide between the haves and have-nots in our community.
What is the He Got Up! event all about?
Orlando Serve Foundation presents “He Got Up”, a day of celebration and service for individuals in need. Two types of events are planned annually which will feature:
- Service of Free Food for Families
- Compassionate Restorative Justice
- Help with Driver’s License and Court Cost Issues
- Government leaders, agencies, non‐profit organizations, businesses, faith based organizations, and community volunteers will work together to provide a cohesive aide for those in need
- Development of Employment Opportunities for Participants
- Food, Drinks and Family activities provided
The Orlando Serve Foundation coalesces existing programs and services from public and private and Faith based sectors, and leverages resources to achieve a sustainable, holistic solution for participants and their families.
How does it work?
Collaborative partnerships across the Greater Central Florida area will be strengthened as participants, volunteers and community partners are exposed to resources within our communities. This coalescence will facilitate connections which cross-pollinate services, and leverage resources. Together, this public/private/faith based partnership consist of a large community of individuals, corporations, and organizations uniting resources and building a model that works. This model has been shown to be successful since we began our work in 2015.
Why we do it
To help Individuals and families become Self-Sustainable by offering a helping hand through offering life changing opportunities which relieve individuals and families from barriers which tend to feed the cycle of poverty.
There is a large population that struggles with precarious housing and various economic burdens that threatens to relegate individuals and families into undesirable locations and situations which push them towards the fringes of society.
However, the Orlando Serve Foundation represents an innovative, motivated and creative community with a proven track record of helping participants accomplish what previously seemed impossible. We make an impact with this cohesive collaboration in focused highly visible locations throughout the community.
Who's doing it
Government Leaders, Agencies, Businesses, Non-Profit Organizations, Faith Based Organizations, Community Volunteers, Public and Private Entities.
Our success, is reflected unified effort in three areas:
- Funding: Engaging non-profits, corporations, and individuals to meet the budgetary needs.
- In Kind Services/Donations: Receiving donations and services from our partners, volunteers and participants.
- Volunteers: Offering opportunities for individuals to assist at various events and beyond.