Funding, In-Kind Service & Donation Opportunities
We thank you for Partnering with us!
If you are a returning Partner, Thank you for your support over the years!
If this is your first time partnering with us, thank you for joining us.
Together, we impact so many lives! There remains much more work to be done.
In this Post Covid Era of Covid protocols He Got Up will look similar to previous years as we continue to work diligently to serve the citizens of our communities. We hose several Compassionate Restorative Justice and ancillary event services to meet situational needs throughout the year.
The main concentration of our events is Legal Services. We offer access to the courts which offer an opportunity to gain freedom from what could be a massive financial mountain of court cost, fees and fines. We directly address each case individually to determine if participants qualify for a new payment plan or to have their financial obligations converted to Community Service.
Since the advent of Covid the fact of food insecurities in our neighborhoods became a very apparent need. The Orlando Serve Foundation, through, He Got Up began to directly address this need. Annually, we provide several free food distribution events to everyone in need. Food to feed a family of 5 for 1 to 2 weeks is given away on a first come, first served basis.
More Ways to Donate
We need your time, talents and positive energy. Volunteers are at the heart of what we do. Simply stated, we could not do what we do without you. There are many opportunities to help at each event. We need you! Please sign up to volunteer with us as we make a difference in our community.
Sponsoring Opportunities
Would you like to be a sponsor of one or more of our events? Or would you like to partner with us to sponsor a fundraising event? Or, are you interested making a donation of money or goods and services?
We are always grateful for your generosity and will give your organization recognition on our website and at our events. Learn more about sponsorship levels and opportunities by emailing [email protected]. The Orlando Serve Foundation is a 501c3 Corporation.
Make a Donation
“The greatest poverty in our society is being unwanted, unloved and uncared for”.
“Our goal with the He Got Up Program is to address incredible needs in the communities in the Greater Central Florida area by demonstrating love for our neighbors in a dignified way by showing them we care through tangible consistent means that address many of their physical, spiritual, legal, social and material needs in one location.”
– Pastor Tim Johnson
Board President, Orlando Serve Foundation
“Our mission is to value the individual and therefore build up families”.
“We believe that our services provide each legal services participant a substantial and holistic opportunity by teaching them to fish instead of giving them a hand out”.
“Our food drives help alleviate hunger and in some ways help individuals to transcend the thought of reducing purchasing food to attend to other obligations”
Addressing food insecurities and the financial burden of owing court cost, fees and fines, helps aid our participants to be proud member of the community. ”
– Beatrice Brown J.D.
Director of He Got Up!
We ask that you consider making a donation – in any amount – to help transform the communities of Central Florida.