Operation Shared Shoes
- February 14, 2017
- Posted by: Beth Kennedy
- Categories: He Got Up, Latest News

A photo is worth a thousand words that is especially true for the photo we are sharing here. We would like to introduce you to our youngest He Got Up team member, Adeline Mueller. Adeline volunteered at our event last year with her family and noticed we were in need of more shoes. She took it upon herself to write a letter to her principal at Lake Whitney Elementary School asking if they could collect shoes up until our event. From there her movement, Operation Shared Shoes, has only grown. She now has West Orange High School, her traveling volleyball team, Girl Scout Troop, Windermere Little League, her surrounding Windermere neighborhoods, and all 5 Hilton Hotels in Orlando participating in gathering up new and gently used shoes to donate. We couldn’t be more proud of Adeline and can’t wait to see how many pairs of shoes our community can pull together to donate.
To find out how you can donate email us at: [email protected] and put “Operation Shared Shoes’ in the comments section.