He Got Up! 2021 Goes Digital
March 25, 2021 -
Founder, President Tim Johnson to speak on Webinar hosted by National Drug Czar James Carroll
The Office of National Drug Control Policy (ONDCP) with the assistance of other Federal agencies have organized a webinar during which the history, vision and mission of the He Got Up program will be featured. The webinar will be live on Thursday 11/21/2019 at 3:00pm EST. ONDCP’s Public Health, Education and Treatment Task Force designed
November 18, 2019 -
He Got Up 2020 Event Season Announced!
Orlando Serve Foundation is pleased to announce six He Got Up! events in 2020 throughout Orange, Osceola and Seminole Counties. The event season will start in late February, and we will return to some of our familiar sites. We are working out the details for new locations later in the year in Apopka and East
November 18, 2019 -
Successful Seminole County He Got Up Event Signals Expansion Opportunities
This past Saturday was one to remember for Orlando Serve Foundation. We had the privilege to serve over 300 guests seeking relief from burdensome court costs, fees and fines at our inaugural Seminole County He Got Up event. A huge thanks to Harvest Time International Pastor John Murphy who allowed us to use his wonderful
July 2, 2019 -
Announcing Community Partners for Seminole County Event
Come see our growing list of community partners at Harvest Time International during our upcoming event on June 29th! 121 Hope * 4C Early Head Start * ACLU Central FL Chapter * Central Florida Rescue Outreach * C.F. Teen Challenge * Chianti’s Restaurant * Christian HELP * Christian Sharing Center * City of Sanford *
June 18, 2019 -
Testimonial from A Recent Guest
“Thank you for helping me at the Osceola Event. Your Organization was a God Send! Thank you for taking time out of your daily lives to help those in need. Without you I would still be stuck without a Driver’s License. God Bless everyone one of you. Thank you again. God will reward you! Ms.
May 24, 2019 -
Over 575 Guests attend first He Got Up! event of 2019
The word is out! Since announcing our 2019 He Got Up! calendar in late January, we have received several hundred pre-registrations for guests seeking assistance with burdensome court costs, fees and fines. Thanks to the staff of Dr. James R. Smith Neighborhood Center, over one hundred volunteers, and many hours of planning and preparing, our
March 19, 2019 -
Orlando Serve Foundation Announces Dates for 2019 He Got Up! Season
We are pleased to publish our calendar of events for the 2019 season. There will be two events in Orange County, one in Osceola County, and this year, we are forming new partnerships in Seminole County as well! Thanks to the generosity of the City of Orlando Parks and Recreation Department, we have the privilege
January 25, 2019